Registration: HB-ZLV / Serial: 4582

Listing Agent

Flight Source International - USA West
Rick Bunn
E-mail: rick@flightsource.com
Office: 941-355-9585
Cell: 702-355-3126


Airframe Total Time: 6303
Engine: ARRIEL 2B1. 4466 Hours Total Time; NOTE: Engine covered by PBH contract.
Avionics - VFR: Gyro-Horizon THALES H321 EHM; Gyro-Directional - AIM 205-1 BL; Turn and bank indicator - UI 9560 N558; VHF/AM/VOR/LOC/GS Honeywell KX 165 A; Course Deviation Indicator - Honeywell GI 106 A; VHF/VOR/LOC/GS GPS GARMIN GNS 430; Transponder (Mode S) GARMIN GTX 330; Altitude Encoder Shadin 8800 T; E.L.T. KANNAD 406 AF-H (3 frequencies); I.C.S. GARMIN GMA 340 H; Hourmeter
Equipment list: High skid landing gear with 2 long footsteps; Engine flushing device without removal of cowling; Cargo swing (fixed, mobile parts, hook, weight transmitter); Sliding Door Left side; Dual Controls; Energy absorbing front seats; Sound proofing; Fuel Flow meter
OPTIONAL (if requested): Radio Altimeter Free Flight mod 4000, basket
Maintenance: Main component – Time remaining: Starflex 1964 hrs / 3000; Tail Gearbox 1655 hrs / 3000; Main Rotor Blade (x 3) 13696 hrs / 20’000; Tail Rotor Blade 1665 hrs / 4000; Bevel Reduction Gear 2910 hrs / 3000; Tail Servo Control 2928 hrs / 3000; Epicyclic Red. Gear 2264 hrs / 3000; Engine Module 1 2532 hrs / 3500; Main Gearbox Oil Pump 3410 hrs / 3000; Engine Module 2 2532 hrs / 3500; Main Servo control n° 1 2910 hrs / 3000; Engine Module 3 2532 hrs / 3500; Main Servo control n° 2 2928 hrs / 3000; Engine Module 4 2532 hrs / 3500; Main Servo control n° 3 1655 hrs / 3000; Engine Module 5 2532 hrs / 3500; Upper/Lower Sleeve 300 hrs / 6600; Pump and Metering Valve; 1531 hrs / 3000

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